Some of the most insane gov’t waste Elon and Vivek can start slashing

Payments to the Deceased

In 2023, federal agencies mistakenly issued $1.3 billion in payments to deceased individuals, including checks from the IRS and Medicare. Hart highlighted a simple solution: cross-checking agency payments with the Treasury’s do-not-pay list, a step that has yet to be implemented.

Vladimir Solomianyi, Unsplash.

3 thoughts on “Some of the most insane gov’t waste Elon and Vivek can start slashing”

  1. Spend money on taxpayers and if the IRS employees aren’t paying their own taxes how dare they pretend to be better than those they go after. Hoping that DOGE actually cuts down on wasteful spending.

  2. Love the “Manhattan Project” analogy. Elon and Vivek are the Nagasaki and Hiroshima about to be dropped on Washington DC. Go get boys!!

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