Cohen bombs on the stand in bogus trial against Trump

Michael Cohen, the former attorney for Donald Trump, is currently caught up in a swirl of controversy and media attention, not only for his legal battles but also for his endeavors in the entertainment industry. Recently, the New York Post reported that Cohen has been developing a reality show titled “The Fixer,” and collaborating with Colin Whelan, known for “Joe Exotic: Tigers, Lies and Cover-Up.” The show’s promotional materials featured Cohen asserting, “I am your fixer.”

In a significant court appearance, Cohen testified that Trump had directed him to arrange a payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election to prevent a potential scandal. This testimony is pivotal, hinging largely on Cohen’s credibility, as he stated, “Just do it,” attributing these words to Trump regarding the payment.

The case against Trump, spearheaded by prosecutor Alvin Bragg, leans heavily on Cohen’s statements. Bragg’s challenge was to demonstrate that Trump intentionally committed fraud to conceal a crime, but according to Cohen’s testimony, Trump’s knowledge of the payment was not inherently illegal since it was aimed at preventing personal information from surfacing before the election.

Furthermore, Cohen’s actions and credibility have come under scrutiny. His previous attempt to integrate himself into the Trump campaign was critiqued by former Trump associate Hope Hicks, who described Cohen as someone who liked to call himself “Mister Fix It,” albeit sarcastically.

Adding to the complexity, Cohen admitted in court to secretly recording conversations with Trump without his consent, a move that has raised serious questions about ethical conduct and client confidentiality. This breach highlights deeper issues within Cohen’s professional practices, emphasizing the tangled web of legal and moral questions surrounding his actions.

Keith Davidson, attorney for Stormy Daniels, provided insights into Cohen’s aspirations and mental state post-election, revealing Cohen had harbored hopes of being appointed as Trump’s Attorney General—a position he did not receive, leading to significant personal turmoil.

As the trial progresses, doubts remain about the specifics of the alleged crimes and the legal justifications for the payments made. The situation is further complicated by the lack of clarity from Judge Juan Merchan regarding what exact crime was supposedly being concealed by these actions.

This ongoing legal drama continues to unfold, drawing attention to the intricacies of law, the bounds of attorney-client privilege, and the personal ambitions that often drive actions within high-profile legal battles.

1 thought on “Cohen bombs on the stand in bogus trial against Trump”

  1. Clare A May, retired

    A genuine …cluster****.
    The charging documents in the original criminal complaint must state what criminal charges Trump is facing.

    A blank criminal complaint is equal to tolite water.

    If there is no State charge listed, and a federal charge is listed…in a State court… the State criminal complaint is invalid…or…as I said prior…it is tolite water.

    What is missing?

    Bribery… AKA …Fraud… committed against Trump by all who are testifying against him… They successfully bribed Trump out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. That is what should be in frontvof the court.

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