Rabid anti-Trump Dem goes too far during MSNBC interview

Far-left Democrat U.S. Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-U.S. Virgin Islands), one of the impeachment managers against President Donald Trump, said he should be “shot” during an MSNBC interview about recent bogus charges lobbed at the 45th president.

“You know, having Trump not only have had the codes, but now having the classified information for Americans and being able to put that out and share it in his resort — with anyone and everyone who comes through – should be terrifying to all Americans and he needs to be shot … stopped,” she said.

“Of course, he’s going to have his day in court,” she continued. “Let’s remember that he was indicted by his peers — individual Americans who live in South Florida, a red state — they saw enough that there was probable cause for him to bring this indictment for him to stand trial.”

She also claimed GOP “propaganda” was responsible for mistrust of the FBI and Justice Department, which have been weaponized by Joe Biden.


1 thought on “Rabid anti-Trump Dem goes too far during MSNBC interview”

  1. Alex Gregory Hannula

    Now where is her termination notice. You can’t speak like that when you are a Congressman. She needs to be removed from the Congress. If a Republican had said the same thing, they’d be under the jail. I’m fed up with this two tiered BS.

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