Poll shows Trump outshines Biden on these key election issues

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll highlights that more Americans favor 45th President Donald Trump over Joe Biden when it comes to handling the economy and inflation, two critical issues in the upcoming presidential election. According to the poll, a significant majority of Americans, 88%, consider the economy a crucial factor in deciding their vote, closely followed by inflation at 85%.

The survey results indicate that 46% of Americans trust Trump to manage the economy better than Biden, who garnered the trust of only 32%. Additionally, 21% of the respondents expressed distrust in both presidential front-runners on this matter.

Similarly, when it comes to inflation, Trump again leads, with 44% of Americans trusting him over Biden, who received 30% trust on this issue. A further 25% of those surveyed said they trusted neither candidate to handle inflation effectively.

The poll also explored the financial well-being of Americans under the current administration. Forty-three percent reported being worse off financially since Biden took office, while 40% felt their financial situation had remained the same, and only 16% felt they were better off.

In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, the poll shows a close race between Biden and Trump. Among all adults surveyed, Trump held a slight edge with 46% support compared to Biden’s 44%. However, the dynamics shifted slightly among registered voters, with Biden gaining a narrow lead of 46% to Trump’s 45%. The gap widens slightly among those likely to vote, with Biden leading at 49% to Trump’s 45%.

Conducted online from April 25-30 among 2,260 adults, this poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points, indicating a tight race and reflecting a deeply polarized electorate primarily concerned with economic issues.

1 thought on “Poll shows Trump outshines Biden on these key election issues”

  1. It amazes me that people think Joey boy could lead a country –before his demented state his corruption was so blatant he should be in prison!

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