WATCH: NYU campus overrun as anti-Israel demonstrations escalate

At New York University, a demonstration against Israel’s actions in Gaza escalated into a significant confrontation between protesters and police. On Monday evening, as tensions mounted, anti-Israel protesters formed a human chain, which led to the intervention of the NYPD. Officers warned the gathered crowd through a loudspeaker, as captured by Fox News Digital, stating, “You have been warned by New York University to leave the area.”

The university had previously set safety measures at Gould Plaza, declaring no additional protesters were allowed. However, these barriers were breached earlier in the day, prompting NYU’s Global Campus Safety to express concerns over the safety and security of the community. The university issued a statement, saying, “With the breach of the barricades early this afternoon, that requirement was violated, and we witnessed disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing behavior that has interfered with the safety and security of our community.”

By the evening, the situation intensified, leading to mass arrests around 8:30 p.m. as the demonstration dwindled. The university underscored the gravity of the situation by offering an ultimatum: “We cannot tolerate people getting hurt. You will need to clear the plaza by 4:00 pm. If you leave now, no one will face any consequences for today’s actions—no discipline, no police.”

This incident at NYU is part of a broader wave of campus protests across the United States, with students voicing sharp criticisms of Israel’s military actions in Gaza and calling for academic institutions to divest from companies that supply weapons to Israel. The protests have heightened tensions among students, with pro-Palestinian groups demanding condemnation of Israel, while some Jewish students have reported feeling unsafe due to what they perceive as antisemitic undertones in the criticisms of Israel.

During the protest, chants like “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” were heard, a slogan that has been controversial and is viewed by many as a call for the elimination of Israel. This, along with actions like stepping on the Israeli flag, has intensified the debates around free speech and the spread of hate on college campuses.

2 thoughts on “WATCH: NYU campus overrun as anti-Israel demonstrations escalate”

  1. All of them who participated in this nonsense should be stripped of their college status AND those that are from foreign land can be sent home!

  2. Pingback: UNM gets shameful distinction of schools with anti-Israel protests

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