Insane video shows mob storming Texas border as guards overwhelmed in clash

On Thursday near El Paso, Texas, a troubling incident unfolded as a large group of illegal immigrants clashed with Texas National Guard soldiers and bypassed razor-wire barriers in an effort to cross into the United States. The situation escalated to the point where the trespassers were seen pushing past the guardsmen and reaching a more permanent border structure, although they were ultimately stopped there.

Jennie Taer, a journalist for the New York Post, captured the tense moments in a video shared on X, depicting migrants physically confronting the Texas National Guard members deployed as part of Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star, a border security initiative. Despite breaking through an initial barrier, the migrants encountered a locked border gate, which the soldiers fiercely guarded.

Earlier in the day, the atmosphere was reported as calm, with smaller groups from a contingent of around 600 migrants being repelled back to Mexico by the guards stationed along the razor-wire fencing. This shift to a more chaotic scene underscores the volatile nature of border crossings and the challenges faced by border enforcement personnel.

The incident has drawn comments from Texas Congressmen Wesley Hunt and Troy Nehls, both Republicans, who criticized the Biden administration’s border policies in light of the event. Hunt likened the scenes to those from a movie, while Nehls described the situation as an invasion, accusing Joe Biden of inaction.

This confrontation comes amidst ongoing legal battles over Texas’ immigration law, SB4, with the Biden administration opposing the state’s enhanced border security measures. The legal tussle has seen the law’s enforcement status change multiple times due to various court rulings, and it’s currently pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth District.

Governor Abbott has been vocal about Texas’ efforts under Operation Lone Star, which has seen over 41,000 migrants arrested for offenses such as criminal trespassing. Abbott’s commitment to border security includes continuing the construction of border barriers and utilizing National Guard troops for enforcement.

The broader implications of these enforcement efforts are reflected in the apprehension statistics from the El Paso Sector, with over 18,000 migrants detained so far this month, marking a decrease from the previous year. However, as enforcement intensifies in Texas, there have been reports of increasing migrant numbers in other sectors like Tucson and San Diego, indicating shifting migration patterns.

8 thoughts on “Insane video shows mob storming Texas border as guards overwhelmed in clash”

    1. I agree. If they are threatening our citizens and our military with violence and/or criminal activity then saying “pretty please” won’t work. You have to physically stop them. I guarantee that if Americans did this to Mexican citizens or their military…the American’s would be shot immediately!

  1. We need to get petition for our New Mexico borders and or the violence will seep into our city. Las Cruces, will be the next city they will overtake if our Governor is not proactive. We all know her ageneda!! Next we need our Mayor to be a voice for Las Cruces. This city needs a major overhaul. Our other Mayor was not proactive. Words are powerless. Action makes changes.
    Mayor Eric Rodriguez it is time to make changes in out City! The CBD businesses are overtaking all the vacant building. We need to restore community business.

  2. When the federal government abrogated it’s duty to defend the Republic from an invasion it’s the right as well as the duty of citizens to repel those invaders by all means necessary.

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