This irrefutable trait about Trump will anger rabid leftists

The radical left hates President Donald J. Trump with a passion. Everything from phony investigations to endless frivolous lawsuits lobbed against the 45th President, one fact they can’t litigate or dispute is his ancestry.

A Reuters report noted that Trump is the only current or former president who is not a descendant of slave owners.

“[Joe] Biden, Carter, George W. Bush, Clinton and Obama all have ancestors who enslaved Black people in their family trees, according to the report, with Obama’s link coming from his White mother’s side. Meanwhile, Trump’s family did not immigrate to the U.S. until after slavery was abolished,” reported Fox News.

“In Congress, Reuters found at least 100 lawmakers who could trace their family trees to slaveholders, including 28 senators and 72 representatives,” it continued.

“The report comes amid a nationwide debate over reparations and the legacy of slavery in the U.S. Deep blue states like California have open inquiries into what a slavery reparations program may look like. The state’s Reparations Task Force formally recommended in May that the state offer payments of up to $1.2 million to every qualifying Black resident.”

But the extremist California reparations taskforce was even too far for Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom who said, “The Reparations Task Force’s independent findings and recommendations are a milestone in our bipartisan effort to advance justice and promote healing. This has been an important process, and we should continue to work as a nation to reconcile our original sin of slavery and understand how that history has shaped our country.”

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