Chris Christie alienates more Republicans with latest stance

Extreme anti-Trump former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is seeking the 2024 GOP nomination for president, has launched his campaign based on attacking conservatives from all sides, even aiming at Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis along with 45th President Donald Trump.

Now, he’s alienating more Republicans with his latest stance divulged in an interview with CNN.

The network’s Jake Tapper asked Christie, “Speaking of states handling an issue, Republican governors have been banning hormone blockers for transgender people under 18 years. They’re banning those only as trans health procedures. They can still do them for other purposes, hormone blockers. As governor of New Jersey, you signed into law some legal protections for trans people, including students. What do you make of your fellow Republican governors and candidates going in the opposite direction?”

“What I believe we should be focused on most importantly in these issues is making sure that there is parental involvement at every step along the way. I don’t think that the government should ever be stepping into the place of the parents in helping to move their children through a process where those children are confused or concerned about their gender,” he said, as reported by Breitbart News.

The former GOP governor added, “And I just would say that parents are the people who are best positioned to make these judgments. So what I would like to make sure each state does is require that parents be involved in these decisions. You know, we’re talking about students. I assume you mean people under the age of 18, Jake. And the fact is that folks who are under the age of 18 should have parental support and guidance and love as they make all of the key decisions of their life, and this should not be one that’s excluded by the government in any way.”

By appearing not to want to intervene in what most Republicans see as child abuse (transgender surgeries and puberty blockers for minors), Christie is taking the unpopular stance that parents should be allowed to harm their young ones, which is sure to draw ire from social conservatives and generally anyone opposed to grooming kids.

1 thought on “Chris Christie alienates more Republicans with latest stance”

  1. Using Christie’s logic, maybe we should allow minors to drink, smoke, do drugs, have unlimited access to weapons and drop out of school as long as their parents think it’s okay. Why did God give kids their parents? So they could be guided along the way until their brains are more fully developed to make better decisions in their lives. Christie is a joke and is wasting his time, energy and money running for president.

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