Dem state lawmaker loses it while debating gender bill

A far-left Democrat Nebraska lawmaker, state Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh, made a spectacle of herself on the legislature floor while debating a GOP bill that protects children from puberty blockers and transgender surgery. 

She said, “You matter. You matter, and I am fighting for you. I will not stop.” She said, “I will not stop today. I will not stop tomorrow. You are loved. You matter. You belong here.”

Cavanaugh then repeatedly shouted, “Transgender people belong here! We need trans people! We love trans people!” 


Despite the Democrat’s unhinged ramblings, Republican lawmakers mustered up enough votes to pass the bill protecting children from mutilation via “gender-affirming care” and also passed a bill protecting children in the womb after the 12th week of pregnancy. 

Cavanaugh said while debating the measure, “You have to live with your vote.… You have to live with the role that you play in history in the making today. You have to live with the fact that you vote to take away people’s rights. You have to live with that. The rest of us have to live with the implications of that, but you have to live with that.” 

The Democrat comes from a politically connected Democrat family, with her brother also serving in the legislature and her father a former congressman from the state.

2 thoughts on “Dem state lawmaker loses it while debating gender bill”

  1. She is a typical Leftist nut-job. Protecting children from being brainwashed into making a decision that will alter their physical and mental condition for the rest of their life makes sense. It has nothing to do with being against “trans-people.” When a person has reached the age of maturity and are able to make an educated, informed decision, then they have every right to change their gender, alter their appearance, etc.
    Sadly, these nut-jobs are every where and are being elected into political positions by fellow nut-jobs and ignorant voters. Wake up America.

  2. She’s obviously possessed, and like all transgenders and their supporters, is in dire need of an exorcism.

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