Piers Morgan rips into Bloomberg News for not allowing criticism of Mike Bloomberg

On Monday, after news broke of a renewed call from Bloomberg News to avoid investigating their boss, presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, Good Morning Britain’s Piers Morgan criticized the news service for their clear bias in reporting.

According to the New York Times, Bloomberg News employees are prohibited from covering Mike Bloomberg’s “wealth or personal life.” When Bloomberg entered the presidential race, Bloomberg News’ editor John Micklethwait sent out a memo affirming that journalists were prohibited from “investigating” the billionaire candidate. 

Piers Morgan ripped into the news service, writing on Twitter, “It’s a total disgrace. Why are Bloomberg journalists accepting such an outrageous dictatorial command? If this was Trump pulling a stunt like this, the whole US media would go nuts.” 

Morgan’s point that if it were Trump in the same situation, the outrage from the Left would no doubt be an issue for him.

Mike Bloomberg will join his fellow Democrat candidates on the Nevada Debate stage on Wednesday night in Las Vegas.

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