On Sunday morning, President Trump sent a stern warning to Iran, to either let protesters demonstrate without violence, or else…

Trump wrote on Twitter, “To the leaders of Iran – DO NOT KILL YOUR PROTESTERS. Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching. More importantly, the USA is watching. Turn your internet back on and let reporters roam free! Stop the killing of your great Iranian people!”

The comment comes one day after Iranian protesters took to the streets following the Iranian government reluctantly taking responsibility for shooting down a Ukranian airliner, killing 176 people. 

Protesters demanded Supreme Leader Ali Khameini’s resignation, some even wishing death upon the dictator. 

Trump wrote to the Iranian people in Farsi, “To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I’ve stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage.”

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