Fmr. Fox News host rips into Chris Wallace for using anonymous sources

Shortly after Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace revealed that an anonymous “well-connected” Washington Republican told him that there’s a 20 percent chance enough Republicans will vote to remove President Trump from office in an impeachment trial in the Senate, a former Fox News anchor went after him on Twitter.

A criticism that many have made known, especially President Trump, is that journalists are using deceptive measures in order to manufacture news, namely, using anonymous sources, that can’t be verified or backed up. 

At one rally, President Trump was quite blunt about his thoughts on the practice, calling the making up of sources “Bull sh*t,” a sentiment echoed by supporters.

Despite the deceptive practice, of course, the liberal academia and media came to their own defense (shocking), claiming the use of anonymous sources are necessary for journalists to “break important stories,” even though that doesn’t make sense, since a story should probably only be broken once it is confirmed that it actually happened.

So, in response to Wallace’s quip about his alleged “well-connected” GOP source, former Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren took to twitter to skewer the “Fox News Sunday” host. 

She wrote, “Chris Wallace should know better than to use anonymous “well connected Republican” – he should name names or not say this at all as without the identity (what is a ‘well connected??’) its purpose is merely to smear and cause trouble – name names or don’t say this at all.”

Wallace has yet to respond to the backlash, but his time to depart Fox News may be fast approaching, as his fellow left-leaning college, Shephard Smith resigned last week, meaning one less left-winger is on the Fox News team.

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