Barack Obama

The Obamas finally endorse border czar Kamala Harris for president

Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have publicly endorsed Biden’s border czar, Kamala Harris, for the presidency.  Barack Obama, who had been among the last prominent Democrat figures to give an endorsement, expressed his support for …

The Obamas finally endorse border czar Kamala Harris for president Read More »

Obama spooked about Biden in 2024

As the year 2023 comes to a close, Joe Biden finds himself grappling with a myriad of crises on both political and personal fronts. These challenges have fueled doubts within his own party about his ability to secure the White …

Obama spooked about Biden in 2024 Read More »

Former Obama staffer wishes death upon Trump after COVID-19 diagnosis: ‘I hope he dies’

On Friday, shortly after President Trump and First Lady Melania tested positive for coronavirus, a former Hillary Clinton and President Obama staffer wished death upon the President. “It’s been against my moral identity to tweet this for the past four …

Former Obama staffer wishes death upon Trump after COVID-19 diagnosis: ‘I hope he dies’ Read More »

Michelle Obama’s DNC speech reaction crushed all other top DNC speakers—including Biden & Harris

On Saturday, Axios reported the social media response from this week’s Democrat National Convention, and Michelle Obama took the cake with her anti-Trump speech.  Axios reports:  Among the 100 most viral stories about DNC topics this past week, there were …

Michelle Obama’s DNC speech reaction crushed all other top DNC speakers—including Biden & Harris Read More »

If it’s ‘racist’ to say Coronavirus is from China, then Obama is racist for saying Ebola is from Africa

On Thursday, The New York Times posted an article criticizing Republicans for ether referring to the novel Coronavirus as the “Wuhan Virus,” or merely pointing out the origin of the deadly virus, which is the Country of China. Far-left commentator …

If it’s ‘racist’ to say Coronavirus is from China, then Obama is racist for saying Ebola is from Africa Read More »

Trump surpasses New Hampshire vote total for every incumbent president in last four decades, media silent

President Trump’s vote total in New Hampshire is breaking records with only 87% reporting in the Granite State. The President has already garnered 120,476 votes in the New Hampshire Republican Party primary, more votes than any other incumbent president in …

Trump surpasses New Hampshire vote total for every incumbent president in last four decades, media silent Read More »

NYMag op-ed: I’m offended that liberals are offended by Obama’s offensive presidency

Apparently, President Obama’s staunchest supporters are offended by other liberals’ critiques of POTUS 44’s job performance, and so, they have taken to New York Magazine to air their dirty laundry on the topic.  In an op-ed entitled “Does the Left …

NYMag op-ed: I’m offended that liberals are offended by Obama’s offensive presidency Read More »

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