
Bernie asks supporters to help re-elect socialist ‘Squad’ after he sold his soul to DNC establishment

On Sunday, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders sent out an email to his campaign list asking his supporters t give cash to the radical left-wing “Squad” comprised of terrorist sympathizers and environmental socialist Reps. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), […]

Bernie asks supporters to help re-elect socialist ‘Squad’ after he sold his soul to DNC establishment Read More »

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: snitch on people not ‘social distancing’ and report them to police

On Saturday, New York City Mayor and failed former presidential candidate Bill de Blasio told New Yorkers to snitch on people they observe not practicing “social distancing.” “When you see a crowd, when you see a line that’s not distanced,

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: snitch on people not ‘social distancing’ and report them to police Read More »

Democrat Las Vegas mayor calls closure of nonessential businesses ‘total insanity’

On Wednesday, Democrat Las Vegas, Nevada Mayor Carolyn Goodman called for Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) to reopen nonessential businesses shuttered during the coronavirus pandemic, saying the sweeping closures have become “total insanity.” “This shutdown has become one of total

Democrat Las Vegas mayor calls closure of nonessential businesses ‘total insanity’ Read More »

Democrat strategist James Carville says Trump’s only way to beat Sleepy Joe Biden is by cheating

On Wednesday, a new op-ed in NBC News by radical Democrat political strategist James Carville claiming President Trump’s only path to re-election is by cheating.  Carville claims that because most polls swing in former Democrat vice president Joe Biden’s favor,

Democrat strategist James Carville says Trump’s only way to beat Sleepy Joe Biden is by cheating Read More »

Bernie once again sells out to DNC establishment, endorses Biden: ‘we need you in the White House’

On Monday during a live stream, former Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden for the Democrat nomination for president. During the live stream, Bernie told Biden, “we need you in the White House.” He continued, “I’m asking

Bernie once again sells out to DNC establishment, endorses Biden: ‘we need you in the White House’ Read More »

AOC in January 2020: ‘in any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party’

Amid socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ suspension of his presidential campaign, essentially guaranteeing former Vice President Joe Biden the Democrat nomination for president, Bernie-backer Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is not eating her words. Previously in a New York Magazine interview,

AOC in January 2020: ‘in any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party’ Read More »

Conservative group ALEC rebukes attack by PAC supporting candidate who called Trump an ‘a**hole’

On Monday, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) sent a letter to New Mexico television stations running an ad by a super PAC calling itself “Citizens for a United New Mexico” running a nasty ad campaign against a pro-Trump candidate

Conservative group ALEC rebukes attack by PAC supporting candidate who called Trump an ‘a**hole’ Read More »

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