John Block

John Block is a proud native New Mexican, a longtime pro-life advocate, and a staunch defender of President Donald Trump since DAY ONE. He has been a contributor to The Daily Caller, The Washington Examiner, and other conservative news publications. John started Patriot Vibe (then The Daily Trumplican) in 2019 to provide conservative news on politics and pop culture to all Americans. Contact John by sending an email to

Socialists blast Buttigieg for fundraiser with Swarovski crystals – ignore AOC’s luxury apartment

While Justice Democrats-backed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wines and dines on the American taxpayers’ dime in her luxury DC penthouse apartment where poor people are not allowed and has black cars chauffeur her across Washington. But the radical socialist group

Socialists blast Buttigieg for fundraiser with Swarovski crystals – ignore AOC’s luxury apartment Read More »

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