Far-left Boston mayor pushes to stop prosecuting theft, abolish gang registry

Democrat Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has sparked debate with her advocacy for a lenient approach to crime, including proposals “to abolish the gang registry and arguing that criminal behavior – such as theft – should not be prosecuted,” per the New York Post.

Before her election, Wu completed the “2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire” from Progressive Massachusetts, an organization dedicated to progressive state initiatives. In her responses, Wu outlined several progressive commitments, including support for noncitizens voting in local elections.

When asked if she supported closing the Boston Police gang database, Wu answered affirmatively. She also endorsed a non-prosecution list created by former Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, which includes over a dozen charges such as shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, and drug possession.

Rollins, who later joined the Biden administration, resigned following an ethics investigation that found severe ethical violations. Wu, however, supported the non-prosecution policy, stating, “Yes,” in the questionnaire.

Wu’s campaign promises included reallocating parts of the police budget to other city priorities and demilitarizing law enforcement by eliminating the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and attack dogs. She also advocated for transparency in police misconduct and use-of-force records, despite concerns that this could endanger officers.

Addressing potential biases within the Boston Police Department (BPD), Wu stated, “Yes. I have advocated for terminating any [Boston Police Department] employees who were involved with the January 6th Capitol insurrection.”

Wu’s office did not respond to requests for comment from Fox News Digital. Critics have previously accused her administration of using “Nixonian tactics” to silence opposition, referencing a list of vocal critics allegedly shared with local authorities.

In her tenure, Wu has established offices focused on “Food Justice, Black Male Advancement, LGBTQ+ Advancement, and Worker Empowerment” to promote inclusivity. However, some have accused her of excluding White residents, leading to multiple complaints to the state’s attorney general.

In December, Wu faced backlash for sending invitations to a holiday party intended only for non-White city council members. The email, sent mistakenly to all councilors, led to an apology from Wu’s aide but not from Wu herself for the exclusive nature of the event. Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell decided not to investigate the complaints about the event.

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