Yang admits impeachment inquiry could hurt 2020 Democrat nominee

On Sunday, presidential candidate Andrew Yang admitted on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump could hurt whoever is chosen as the Democrat nominee for president. 

When asked by Dana Bash, “Is it going to hurt the Democratic nominee?,” Yang answered, “There’s a chance that it will,” in the admission that the impeachment inquiry led by far-left members of Congress, including Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) could essentially hand over the presidency to Donald Trump for another term.

In a previous interview, Yang said that when Democrats are talking about Trump, they are not “presenting a new way forward and a positive vision for the country that Americans will get excited about.”

So, will Democrats work on the behalf of the American people, or will they continue their crusade to take down America’s duly-elected president? If yang’s interview tells us anything, it’s that the American people, even 2020 Democrats are getting tired of the antics from the left.

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