Report: Manhattan DA won’t charge President Donald Trump, dealing massive blow to liberals

According to Ronald Fischetti, a lawyer for President Donald Trump, “Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has indicated he does not currently plan to charge the Trump Organization with crimes related to allegations of ‘hush money’ payments and real estate value manipulations,” POLITICO reports.

“We asked, ‘Is there anything else?’” Fischetti told POLITICO. “They said, ‘No.’”

The POLITICO report reads, “When asked if the meeting touched on allegations made by Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen and by adult film star and director Stormy Daniels, Fischetti replied, ‘Nothing. Not a word on that.’” 

When asked about charges brought up against President Trump personally, not just the Trump Organization, Fischetti said, “They just said, ‘When this indictment comes down, he won’t be charged. Our investigation is ongoing.’” 

Conservatives descended upon Twitter after the news, with many supporters writing encouraging statements of the 45th President. 

“Democrats on Twitter for months: ‘He is going to prison.’ ‘He is going to be in cuffs.’ Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. We told you,” wrote Carmine Sabia. 

Another account wrote, “We’ve seen over 4 yrs of Democratic Operatives from unelected bureaucrats attempting political retribution on President Trump, his attorneys and constituents. NADA – 4 years of 0 charges!” 

4 thoughts on “Report: Manhattan DA won’t charge President Donald Trump, dealing massive blow to liberals”

  1. When the tides turn we need to be just as spiteful, just as crazy, just as hungry to bury every single Democrat in same fashion…
    Time to fight the same fight or we will keep losing… By any means necessary..We have a country to save!

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