Trump UNLEASHES on Kamala Harris after she decides to finally visit the border

On Wednesday, it was reported that Kamala Harris will finally visit the border — five days before President Trump is scheduled to make a visit — after Trump and other Republicans have been critical of Harris’ failed management of the border crisis created by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ weak immigration policies.

President Trump released the following statement:

After months of ignoring the crisis at the Southern Border, it is great that we got Kamala Harris to finally go and see the tremendous destruction and death that they’ve created—a direct result of Biden ending my very tough but fair Border policies.

Harris and Biden were given the strongest Border in American history. And now, it is by far the worst in American history.

If Governor Abbott and I weren’t going there next week, she would have never gone!

President Trump’s senior advisor Jason Miller wrote on Twitter, “WOW. Biden and Harris blinked. Kamala Harris is only going to the border because President Trump is going to the border. Not only does this put more emphasis on Pres. Trump’s visit, Harris doesn’t have good answers on Remain in Mexico, Catch & Release, or Wall Construction.”

4 thoughts on “Trump UNLEASHES on Kamala Harris after she decides to finally visit the border”

  1. Pingback: Rep. Yvette Herrell: ‘It’s about time’ Kamala Harris visited the border

  2. Oscar Virgil Pearson

    Harris is going to El Paso, the least affected area of illegals coming across. This is simply a photo-op to prove she should still be paid for handling the disaster at our border.
    Cannot wait to see the stories she makes up along the way.

  3. Correctly stated by President Trump. Harris is only going because Trump and Abbott are planning to be there. Like Oscar said, she is going to the least affected area for a photo op. I hope ICE nor Border Patrol are not forced to protect her. She has said and done such horrendous things to demean our wonderful Law Enforcement at the Border. She ought to have to pay out of her own pocket for protection. We the taxpayers ought not have to pay for her safety while she is there.

    1. MK , Harris doesn’t need us to pay for her protection. All the Dems say all of the illegals coming here are not dangerous, including her. So why waste our money with our guards, with guns, where it’s not necessary? It should be a walk in the park for this useless Vice President!

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