Democrat Michigan governor forced to apologize for violating her edicts

On Sunday, Breitbart News published an exclusive photograph showing Democrat Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer partying at a bar with 12 others in East Lansing, a direct violation of her public health orders which bar more than 6 people from congregating together.

Her health order reads, per Breitbart: 

b. Gatherings are prohibited at food service establishments, whether indoor or outdoor, unless: Consumption of food or beverages is permitted only in a designated dining area where patrons are seated, groups of patrons are separated by at least 6 feet, no more than 6 patrons are seated together (at a table, booth, or group of fixed seats), and groups of patrons do not intermingle

Whitmer, who was previously in the running for Joe Biden’s 2020 running mate, was forced to apologize for skirting her orders, writing, “Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together.”

“Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it,” she claimed.

“In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize,” the governor said.

“Last week Whitmer refused to immediately end her ridiculous restrictions, like a maximum of 6 patrons per table for indoor dining,” Tori Sachs, executive director of Michigan Freedom Fund, told Breitbart News when the photo first surfaced.

“Now Whitmer has once again completely disregarded her own rules. Whitmer orders rules she and her staff don’t follow themselves while Michiganders and businesses suffer. Whitmer must end her restrictions immediately.”

1 thought on “Democrat Michigan governor forced to apologize for violating her edicts”

  1. All politicians think that they are above the law and they can do whatever they please. We the People need to step up and make sure they know they work for us not the other way around. Its plain to see that the military Industrial complex is more or less running things.

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