Liberal media lose their minds with Pocahontas Warren out of the 2020 race

Over the past few days, liberal media outlets have been publishing op-eds from radical liberals bemoaning the exit of Sen. Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren (D-MA) from the 2020 Democrat race for president.

On Saturday, The New York Times posted an opinion piece from an abortion up-to-birth supporter, Sarah Smarsh, titled, “I Am Burning With Fury and Grief Over Elizabeth Warren. And I Am Not Alone.” The article featured claims of sexism against Warren, writing, “Consider every moment, since the dawn of woman, when a female aspired but to no avail. She asked to attend school but was denied. She raised her hand but wasn’t called on. She applied but wasn’t hired. She enlisted but wasn’t deployed. She created but wasn’t credited. She ran but wasn’t elected.”

Smarsh cites her grandmother and father as the others who supposedly supported Warren, saying they would “bust their a**” to elect Warren. She also claimed that while addressing a Planned Parenthood fund-raiser in Florida that “these are desperate times for women’s rights.”

Smarsh, however, does not mention the Democrat Party is the institution that rejected Warren, NOT Republicans or anyone else. So, the Democrat Party is the only one to blame for choosing two older caucasian men over an older white caucasian woman who claimed to be Native American for decades. She also does not mention Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), the lone woman still in the race for President. 

On Sunday, NBC News published a similar op-ed titled, “Elizabeth Warren dropped out. It’s going to be hard to stay hopeful about November.” The piece by Kera Bolonik, bashed Gabbard, branding her as “unviable, unreliable Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D- Hawaii, who was always less likely to win this thing than anyone but Marianne Williamson — zero.” The piece also hit low-hanging-fruit, such as accusing President Trump of being the “alleged harasser-in-chief.”

Bolonik writes that Democrat voters’ reluctance to support Warren was due to misogyny despite her claim that Warren is “the smartest, most thoughtful and arguably best candidate for the presidency.”

Hilariously, the last thoughts Bolonik leaves readers with is, “In the meantime, I’ll be drinking out of my Warren-branded ‘Billionaire Tears’ mug like it’s my job, wearing all of my ‘Warren Has a Plan For That’ T-shirts until they’re absolutely threadbare, and summoning as much enthusiasm as I can muster to canvass for the Democrats running to take back the White House, overhaul the Senate and maintain the House.” 

It looks like Trump will win in a landslide if this is what he’s up against.

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