NBC News op-ed: Impeachment has left Trump stronger than ever before

On Tuesday, NBC News published an opinion piece lamenting the Democrats’ failed impeachment attempt of President Donald Trump for the wafter-thin supposed withholding of foreign aid to Ukrainian, which turned out to be false.

But the piece also contended that “the impeachment process has left Trump stronger than ever politically. The president’s esteem among voters has risen since his Senate acquittal last Wednesday, nine months before he faces re-election. It’s a result that has Democrats fretting while the party’s presidential candidates jockey in the early primary states for the right to challenge Trump in the fall — as they should.” 

The author, David Mark, cites an NBCLX poll of voters conducted on February 5-6 by Morning Consult showing that “32 percent said the impeachment trial actually made them more likely to vote to re-elect Trump.” 

Even more surprisingly, Mark writes, “Democrats have wasted a tremendous amount of time and resources railing against his involvement with Ukraine and Russia when they could have been talking about health care, wage stagnation, education, climate change and many other subjects.”

These hard truths given from a Democrat to other Democrats shows the desperation of some on the left to warn others about the damage they’ve done due to the impeachment hoax. But as Mark writes, “Democrats have not absorbed the basic political lessons of their trip down the impeachment rabbit hole.”

1 thought on “NBC News op-ed: Impeachment has left Trump stronger than ever before”

  1. Wish I could donate to our Great President , but I only get $97.00 a month from my SSI so after my meds an good , I have very little left.

    . . . A TRUE PATRIOT
    Barry Waddell

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