Warren lies again: said she walked 2.2 miles to get breakfast at McDonald’s a block away

On Monday, CNN reporter Daniella Diaz tweeted a photo of Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), saying Warren told her she walked 2.2 miles and got breakfast at a McDonald’s in North Conway, New Hampshire. 

But, she was quickly fact-checked because the McDonalds she claimed was 2.2 miles away was actually a four-minute walk across the street, a mere block away from the Marriott she was standing in front of.

Now, it is entirely possible she went off-road and wandered around in the snow for an extra 2+ miles, but that’s not very plausible. 


To make matters worse, her hotel has free coffee. So, she wouldn’t even need to “walk 2.2. miles” to grab a cup of joe. 

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