Border Hispanics reject Democrat Party, urge others to stop voting Dem ‘simply because that’s what they’ve always voted’

On Friday, CNN aired a profile piece on Ray Baca, an El Paso man leading the group “Border Hispanics for Trump.” 

“I look at President Trump as the one who most closely represents my values,” Baca told CNN’s Nick Valencia. “People will hear that and say, ‘values? What values does the president have?’ So when you say that, what do you mean,” asked Valencia. Baca replied, “I mean by supporting things that I support, like being against abortion, being for limited government involvement, being for border security.” 

Valencia tried to paint President Trump as a racist by a comment in his 2015 announcement speech, where he said, “when Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” regarding the crime, gangs influx of drugs, and violence being sent by the Mexican Government, not all Mexican migrants. 

Valencia pushed, asking, “How can you still support somebody who [Hispanics] see as saying racist things against the Latino community?” Baca replied, “I disagree. I really don’t think he said things that are racist.” 

“I just don’t think you can hold a president — President Trump in particular — responsible for the actions of a single madman,” Baca said in response to a question about the 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting. 

The CNN peice also featured Baca speaking to a crowd of Hispanics, saying, “We need to get our Hispanic brethren to stop voting Democrat simply because that’s what they’ve always voted.”

Along with Baca, CNN also included an interview with a millennial Republican Latina who immigrated legally from Mexico five years ago and voted for President Trump in 2016. She plans to vote for Trump in 2020 also, according to the CNN report. 

The rare CNN spotlight on Hispanic Latinos cannot be understated, despite the clear left-wing bent in reporting. With 30% of Hispanics in Texas supporting Trump, the voting block appears to be turning toward the Republican Party and pro-legal immigration values. 

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