On Christmas Eve, a new poll was released from Huffington Post done by YouGov polling, seeming to show that 47% of voters approve of removing Trump from office while 42% disagree with the decision. Note: 11% of voters were not sure if Trump should be removed, which very well could sway the poll in the opposite direction.
Another hilarious thing the poll showed was a lack of civics education, with 8% of Democrat responders believing that Hillary Clinton will automatically become president if the Senate convicts President Trump. Only 2% of Republican respondents gave this number, showing an exponentially larger number of Democrats being unaware of the line of succession.
Another notable factor garnered from the poll is just how much the American people distrust Congress, with a majority of people (44%) thinking members of Congress who voted for impeachment only did so because they are playing politics, where 43% thought they genuinely believed their vote.
Other numbers reported in the poll show the stark partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans, with a hefty plurality of Republicans approving of President Trump and most Democrats approving of the Democrats. In the question asking whether the respondents approved of impeachment, 87% of Democrats approved, while 87% of Republicans Disapproved, showing the opposing sides neck-and-neck.