Liberals flip after Harris drops out, leaving only white candidates on December debate stage

Shortly after Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), dropped out of the 2020 Democrat presidential primary, it left liberals running scared, as they will no longer have as much “diversity” on the December debate stage, leaving only white candidates.

The only candidates left who qualified for the debate stage will be Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg,  Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren.

Liberal Politico journalist Amy Siskind angrily wrote on Twitter, “She was also the only candidate of color to qualify for the December debate.  We have one white male billionaire who bought his way on stage and another trying. This is a sad commentary.”

Charlotte Clymer of the “Human Rights Campaign” also wrote on Twitter, saying, “If Kamala Harris is dropping out today, as is being reported, that means–among other things–that no candidates of color are yet slated for the December debate. Six white candidates have qualified. Folks, that’s a huge red flag, and we need to talk about it.”

Harris’ exit from the race leaves the Democrat party between a rock and a hard place, especially since many candidates have touted the message of “diversity” as one of their key credentials. Now, the most “diverse” people on the Debate stage will be Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who falsely claimed to be a Native American for decades, and an openly gay Mayor Pete Buttigieg who ran a city of fewer than 100,000 into the ground.

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