Man says popping ‘Baby Trump’ balloon first time liberals mad about ‘chopping up a baby’

An Alabama man, Hoyt Deau Hutchinson, who was charged with “criminal mischief” for popping the left-wing “Baby Trump” balloon vigorously defended his decision to pop the leftist figure by making a pro-life, pro-God argument.

Hutchison said, “The left wants to use religion against you like you shouldn’t act like this and stuff but I’ll tell you this — the Devil knows the Bible as good as we do.”

When asked if the slashing was Hutchinson’s attempt at echoing Jesus turning over the temple tables of money changers, he emphatically said yes.

“It comes [to] a point when you gotta take a stand. We don’t have two parties anymore. We have good versus evil. When you got one party that says it’s OK to kill babies and by the way, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a liberal get mad about chopping up a baby.”

Hutchinson makes a fair point, especially since almost one million unborn babies are killed in the womb each year, with many not even noticing.

Hutchinson urged younger people to keep up with politics and stay informed, “the way they should.” Hutchinson says he watches Fox News, with his favorite anchors, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson delivering him the news of the day.

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