BOOK REVIEW: ‘Females’ is a transgender Marxist’s sad cry for help

A new book entitled Females has been released by someone going by the name of “Andrea Long Chu,” although his given name is “Andy.” Long Chu tries making the case that “everyone is female.” The writer is actually a man dressed up as a woman claiming to be a “transgender.” For this reason, no use of the pronoun “her” will be used to describe this man. Instead, using the term “author” and the author’s purported last name.

The book, which I regrettably have read cover to cover, appears to be a long list of random thoughts jumbled into what some are calling “philosophy,” which gives the regular joe a glimpse into the mental illness of a self-proclaimed “transgender person.” 

Long Chu is an ardent supporter of radical socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, an apparent fan of Karl Marx, and a supporter of violent protesters who vandalized police cars and caused fights in New York subway stations to rebel against being arrested for evading fares (which should tell you a lot).

(an example of Long Chu’s support for Bernie Sanders)
(an example of Long Chu’s support for radical anti-cop protesters)
What appears to be Long Chu praising Karl Marx while proclaiming his radical feminist ideology.

In the name of full disclosure and fairness to the author, this review is quite long and meticulous, but very important in looking into the mind of a self-proclaiming transgender person and their insane rationalizations to try and prove themselves correct (much like a woman who has had an abortion and now volunteers as a Planned Parenthood clinic escort to prove to themselves that they made the right choice by killing their unborn child). Both instances are tragic and a public show of what a cry for help looks like.

The first snippet of the book reads, “I am female. And you, dear reader, you are female, even—especially—if you are not a woman,” continuing to a strange ode to a radical feminist named Valerie Solanas, a woman who attempted to kill (and actually did kill) Andy Warhol, and believed that males are “biological accidents.” 

Long Chu seems to adopt the extremist theories of Solanas, who lived like a vagrant and worked as a prostitute, writing the radical books, SCUM Manifesto and Up Your A**. A theory in these publications is that “The Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene … In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage,” hoping to carry out the greatest genocide against all men.

A quarter of the way through the book, it is revealed that Long Chu is emulating Solanas through Females, looking to write something with a “short, pointed theses, oracular, and outrageous,” although it is hard to see what exactly that thesis is, and by no way is it “pointed,” however, it is outrageous. 

In Long Chu’s assessment of gender, it’s made clear that he thinks everyone is female, but his theory is not referring to biological sex or gender. Instead, Long Chu writes that “femaleness is not an anatomical or genetic characteristic of an organism, but rather a universal existential condition, the one and only structure of human consciousness. To be is to be female: the two are identical.”

Ok then… to make it even more complicated, Long Chu writes that men and women need to be understood “as the two most common phyla of the kingdom Females.” Confused yet?

Well, if that wasn’t befuddling enough, the author fawns over a YouTube star named “Gigi Gorgeous,” who is a man dressed up as a woman, also claiming to be “transgender.” The author made a very telling point, which opens a door for the average joe: transgenders are just for show, nothing more. As Long Chu writes, “Gender transition, no matter the direction, is always a process of becoming a canvas for someone else’s fantasy. You cannot be gorgeous without someone to be gorgeous for.”

Long Chu, who (just as a reminder) is a man pretending to be a woman, then rips into feminists who are against men transitioning into women because they are, in fact, according to Janice Raymond, “reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves,” and substituting “one sex-role stereotype for another,” which actually makes sense.

But not so fast… Long Chu accuses these feminists, known as “trans-exclusionary radical feminists” or “TERFs,” of being BIGOTS for complaining that men dressing up as women are helping propagate further misogyny in society by “swapping out” one gender role for another. 

A bit later in, the author loses all credibility in the attempt to be “deep,” “philosophical,” or even remotely pro-female (which is kinda supposed to be the point of the book), with Long Chu’s next argument, applauding transgender Gigi Gorgeous for being “a shameless cosmetic miracle, assembled by a team of plastic surgeons, endocrinologists, agents, and marketers—a walking, talking advertisement. I love this about her.” 

In a subsequent paragraph, Long Chu writes, “from the simplest request regarding pronouns to the most invasive surgeries—it’s that gender is something other people have to give you,” further affirming the shallow, pretty sad thoughts of a transgender-identifying person: that they are not good enough in their own skin, so they must physically change themselves through painful and everlasting procedures. The transgender person must conform to society’s picture of what a man or woman looks like to be satisfied with themselves. However, they will still be a man or woman at the day’s end, even if someone used the term “sir” or “ma’am” while handing them their pumpkin spice latte at a Starbucks.

Next, Long Chu makes the inaccurate case that vaginoplasty (a procedure which turns a male penis into a female vagina in appearance) is actually changing the anatomy of the male penis into its “true form,” in which the author cites the debunked theories of the 1950s and 1960s scientist Alfred Jost, who claimed that female is the “default” gender. By this proclamation, Long Chu concludes that “this developmental phenomenon effectively reverses the biblical creation myth in which Eve is created second, fashioned by God from Adam’s rib.”

However, modern research contradicts Jost’s dated theories, notably by the scientists Eric Vilain and Ken McElreavey, who tested this on over one hundred intersex people, determining that “it is wrong to single out any one substance or event as the cause: many components and conditions must work together in nonadditive and interdependent ways.” Their theory has been re-affirmed by other scientists since. 

Later in the book, Long Chu gives readers another glimpse into his twisted mind, writing about when he saw a play and became maddened by the “misogyny” of a graphic sex scene. Long Chu then recounts his addiction to porn and hatred of self, writing, “I hated being a man, but I thought that was just how feminism felt. Being a man was my punishment for being a man. Anything else was greed.”

The next chapter over, the author bashes men who are against radical feminism, writing, “the manosphere red-piller’s resentment of immigrants, black people, and queers is a sadistic expression of his own gender dysphoria. In this reading, he is an abortive man, a beta trapped in an alpha’s body, consumed with the desire to be female and desperately trying to repress it.” All-in-all, the author is making the insane case that men who are happy with being men and preserving masculinity are crying for help in their desire to be female, which doesn’t make much sense, and it appears Long Chu hasn’t put much thought behind the theory.

BUT WAIT: Long Chu’s little morsel wouldn’t be complete without an all-out Trump-bashing. He writes, “Those around him assume he is a leader, a provider, a president; but his greatest fear is that they are mistaken. He radicalizes—shoots up a school, builds a wall—in order to avoid transitioning, the way some closeted trans women join the military in order to get the girl beaten out of them.”

So, this crazy man, who thinks President Trump is a school-shooter (uh, what?), continued in the chapter to try and take on the “patriarchy” through debunking a fringe Reddit page’s far-out theories, by comparing them to the movie The Matrix, and the fictitious “red pill.” Long Chu equates the red pill to an estrogen pill (used in transgender transitions) for its red likeness. 

In a previous chapter, Long Chu writes that “the political system is the sworn enemy of the female” and that “politics is, in its essence, anti-female.” Yet, the author’s inherently political statement is somehow not “anti-female” in his eyes, even when he makes statements such as this: “females and politics never mix. After decades of tedious feminist debates over agency, one thing is clear: women may be capable of political action, but females never are.”

After his “red pill” theory, Long Chu then goes on to ponder the differences of the “alt-right” and “radical feminists” in terms of their views of pornography, of course, bashing the “Proud Boys” for fighting against radical Antifa savages in New York, and writing off Gavin McInnes for rejecting porn, which of course, is interpreted by Long Chu as him just expressing himself as “female.” It’s getting pretty typical at this point. 

It’s especially sad since Antifa terrorists actually hurt people, including journalist Andy Ngo, who was assaulted in Portland, Oregon this year, and left with a brain injury. Antifa has also been seen chasing after young girls, throwing hammers at people, and in many instances macing people in the face for wearing “Make America Great Again” hats. 

Later in the book, Long Chu doesn’t fail to amaze, elucidating on his porn addiction, talking about his addiction to “sissy porn” before his transition, and thus concluding that “to be female is, in every case, to become what someone else wants. At bottom, everyone is a sissy.” Another rationalization to try and make his case for transgenderism. Quite sad. 

“Sissy porn,” which Long Chu says is responsible for turning many men “trans,” actually is responsible for Long Chu’s own life-altering decision to mutilate his body, writing, “Sissy porn did make me trans. At very least it served as a neat allegory for my desire to be female—and increasingly, I thought, for all desire as such.”

By combing through this book, full of graphic language, insane comparisons, and cryptic logical stretches, it is clear that Andy Long Chu is crying out for help, attention, and recognition for the life-altering decision he made to castrate himself and exist cosmetically as a female, rationalizing the insane theory that “everyone is a female,” so his decision is somehow justified.

It’s also clear that through the countless cries for help in this raunchy book, Long Chu is desperately trying to erase the truth in the Bible by erasing God’s creation, hate on President Trump despite all his successes (including those for the gay community), and most importantly, trying to cope with the fact that he decided to mutilate himself due to his addiction to psychologically manipulating pornography. 

This book is an artifact, a written testament of what a significant portion of the American Left looks like — mentally ill and doing anything possible to cope with their bad decisions. These people need our prayers more than anything, and may God help them. I read this book, so you don’t have to. But hopefully, it opened your eyes to the mind of a mentally ill “transgender” person.

Andy: No, we are not all female, and to think so is just wrong.

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