As libs attack Trump’s picks, here are some of Biden’s least-qualified nominees

Jennifer Granholm – Secretary of Energy

Previously serving as governor of Michigan, Granholm had no prior background in energy policy when she assumed her role. Republican critics have used her tenure to highlight a perceived lack of preparation, pointing to her comments on energy issues as evidence of being ill-equipped to address national and global energy challenges.

Joe Biden’s U.S. Department of Energy Secretary J. Granholm at the “PRIDE” Month LGBTQ+ Flag Raising on June 1, 2021.

2 thoughts on “As libs attack Trump’s picks, here are some of Biden’s least-qualified nominees”

  1. The sad part about it is that are still wearing the masks that they want us to do as well as take the kill shots. They have brain damage for it. Mr Kennedy is the best pick fir the job. Thank you Mr Trump ans Mr Kennedy for waning to clean up out food and shots and get us on a track back to great health.

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