Kamala Harris gains zero ground after DNC: ABC poll

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll reveals that Kamala Harris did not receive a notable boost in support following her official nomination as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate at the Democratic National Convention. 

Despite the fanfare surrounding her nomination — or installation — the poll indicates that the race between Harris and 45th President Donald Trump remains tight, with Harris leading Trump by a slim margin of 50% to 46% among the general population. When focusing on registered likely voters, Harris’s lead widens slightly to 52% against Trump’s 46%.

Interestingly, the poll reflects a shift in public sentiment regarding the presidential matchup. While a majority of respondents remain dissatisfied with the prospect of a Harris-Trump contest (53% dissatisfied versus 45% satisfied), this is a marked improvement compared to previous months when President Joe Biden was the presumptive Democratic nominee. In July, with Biden still in the race, dissatisfaction was significantly higher at 71%, compared to just 28% expressing satisfaction. This change suggests that Harris has managed to garner more support within her party and among left-leaning independents than Biden did.

The poll also explored voters’ preferences on key issues, highlighting the areas where each candidate has an edge. Trump is favored by a majority of respondents on critical issues such as the economy, inflation, immigration, and handling the Israel-Hamas conflict. These topics are likely to be central to his campaign as he seeks to capitalize on voter concerns about economic stability and national security.

On the other hand, Harris is perceived as stronger on issues like race relations, abortion, and health care. These areas are expected to resonate with the Democratic base and could be pivotal in securing support from progressive voters and minorities.

Notably, the poll found that on the issue of crime and safety, the two candidates are tied, which should should show Americans that the poll skews left, meaning even through she is leading in the poll, she is likely behind, as it has oversampled Democrats. 

4 thoughts on “Kamala Harris gains zero ground after DNC: ABC poll”

  1. She should be dropping in the polls, considering that people are finding out who she really is. Her appearance with her emotional support dog the other night highlights she really has no substance to her policies and she is a weak person who can’t stand on her own. How does that make her qualified as president? Hopefully, the debate will show this more clearly.

  2. Polls can be easily skewed to whatever the organization that conducts the polls want the poll to reflect the view point of that organization.

  3. If Harris or her handlers were confident in her ability to be the Commander in Chief she would give interviews. That’s plural. Just say no to Obama 4.0.

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