CNN’s Bash to interview Harris-Walz duo, but can we expect any surprises?

Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris finally agreed to sit down for an interview after nearly 40 days since becoming the party’s presumptive nominee. The interview, scheduled to air on Thursday night with CNN’s Dana Bash, comes after an extended period where Harris avoided direct questioning from the media. Interestingly, this pre-recorded interview coincides with the first full slate of college football games, potentially drawing attention away from the event.

Harris will be joined by vice presidential nominee Tim Walz during the interview. Dana Bash, known for her critical stance on Republicans and alignment with Democrat talking points, will conduct the interview. Bash has previously faced criticism for her biased coverage, particularly in support of the Biden-Harris administration.

For instance, Bash once falsely claimed that Harris was never appointed as the administration’s border czar, contradicting earlier reports that stated otherwise. She also blamed former President Donald Trump for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, despite the fact that the deal Trump agreed to was conditional, and the Biden administration took full responsibility for the execution of the withdrawal.

Additionally, Bash has shown unwavering support for Joe Biden’s statements, even when they are misleading. For example, when Biden suggested that Trump should have secured the release of four American prisoners from Russian custody during his presidency, Bash applauded the remark as a “mic drop” moment, despite the fact that three of the four prisoners were detained during Biden’s administration, not Trump’s.

Moreover, Bash has distorted comments made by Elon Musk during an interview with Trump about nuclear power, misrepresenting their conversation to imply a much more dismissive stance towards the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki than what was actually conveyed. She also expressed disappointment that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against removing Trump from the ballot in Colorado, describing the decision as “unfortunate for America.”

These instances illustrate Bash’s tendency to lean heavily toward Democrat narratives, raising concerns about the objectivity of the upcoming interview with Harris.

6 thoughts on “CNN’s Bash to interview Harris-Walz duo, but can we expect any surprises?”

  1. If the US voters buy into this dog and pony show, I guess we deserve what we get. It’s time for the voters to do some real homework instead of accepting what the MSM feeds us. None of it is unbiased. God help us.

  2. Why is it a duo? Is she incapable of being interviewed by herself alone? It seems they have been joined at the hip since day one. He has to hold her hand and guide her responses.

  3. Harris was behind Prop47 in Calif that changes a “Felony” into a “Misdemeanor.” Now thugs can steal $950 worth of merchandise and not get prosecuted, forcing many businesses to close. Harris raised $40 million during George Floyd looting and burning to get these criminals out of jail. She had her sexual relationship with SF mayor Willie Brown when the local papers called her “A Woman of the Night,” a PROSTITUTE! Her husband made the nanny pregnant in his first marriage…Jill had her sex with Senator Biden until they were in an auto accident in Jill’s car that revealed their relationship that destroyed her first marriage…Democrats allow sexual morons to run our government and surround themselves with gays and drag queens? Medicare for all, $25K to buy a house, $6K to every born child, we’re talking a $40 Trillion budget and Harris has no clue how to pay off the $35 Trillion we owe. Careful who you put in the White House…unless Socialism is on your wish list?

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