Biden’s horrifying hush-hush nuke plan: Is America bracing for WWIII?

Joe Biden has endorsed a highly classified strategy that recalibrates the U.S. nuclear posture to address China as a principal nuclear threat, while also preparing for the potential of a coordinated threat involving China, North Korea, and Russia, according to a recent report.

The shift, initiated in March, reflects Pentagon assessments that China’s nuclear capabilities are expected to rival those of the U.S. and Russia, as reported by the New York Times.

The strategy, known as the “Nuclear Employment Guidance,” not only focuses on China but also prepares the U.S. for possible collaboration between China, Russia, and North Korea, the newspaper noted.

In recent speeches, senior administration officials have highlighted the escalating nuclear threat from China. Vipin Narang, who was acting assistant secretary of defense for space policy at the time, stated, “The President recently issued updated nuclear weapons employment guidance to account for multiple nuclear-armed adversaries, and, in particular, the significant increase in the size and diversity of [China’s] nuclear arsenal.”

Narang added, “My office has begun to provide the Department and the Joint Force updated implementation guidance on how to plan and posture our forces in this new environment.”

He also emphasized that the U.S. hopes China will engage “responsibly” in nuclear issues, particularly concerning transparency and risk reduction, which have been recurring topics in discussions with China.

In June, Pranay Vaddi, the National Security Council’s senior director for arms control and nonproliferation, referred to the confidential strategy, noting, “The new game plan would focus on the need to deter Russia, [China], and North Korea simultaneously.”

Officials anticipate that China’s nuclear arsenal could grow to approximately 1,000 warheads by 2030 and 1,500 by 2035. In contrast, the U.S. currently has over 5,200 nuclear warheads, while Russia possesses more than 5,800, according to the Federation of American Scientists.

The document, updated roughly every four years, is highly secretive with no electronic copies in existence, and only a limited number of hard copies are distributed to top national security officials and Pentagon leaders.

Though a tripartite alliance among these adversaries seemed improbable in the past, recent developments show increased military cooperation between Russia and China. Additionally, North Korea and Iran have been supplying Russia with conventional arms for its conflict in Ukraine, raising concerns that Russia might be aiding these nations with their missile programs.

2 thoughts on “Biden’s horrifying hush-hush nuke plan: Is America bracing for WWIII?”

  1. If Biden got one of those midnight nuke calls we will all be doomed. The Democrats who sing his praises showed how they really feel by putting his speech on at midnight where he would do less damage to Comrade Harris’ Communist agenda.
    Her plan to spend trillions on Medicare for all, child tax credits, free tuition and paying the tab for the 10 million illegals that she and Joe let into the country. Her $40 Trillion dollar exercise in futility is a joke when the country can’t pay its current debt. It currently cost taxpayers $892 billion a year in interest on our $35 Trillion debt. I remind Comrade Harris of Margaret Thatcher’s famous quote: “Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money.” Comrade Kamala is hell bent on ignoring the meaning of those words?

  2. Gee, I think we heard that song before. We can only hope someone who is controlling the country is also controlling the world and won’t depend on their bunkers to save them.

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