Harris campaign’s sneaky move: Altering news headlines to fake support

A recent report reveals that Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign has been covertly altering news headlines in Google search results to create the appearance of broader media support. According to Axios, these manipulated headlines, which feature a “Paid for by Harris for President” banner, were changed without the consent or knowledge of the involved news outlets.

The deceptive campaign has reportedly impacted nearly a dozen major publishers, including well-known names such as the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News, the Associated Press, and PBS. Even smaller outlets like North Dakota’s WDay Radio have been affected.

The modified headlines, which are linked to actual articles from these news organizations, have been edited to cast a favorable light on Harris. For instance, one ad displayed alongside an article from the Guardian carried a headline reading “VP Harris Fights Abortion Bans – Harris Defends Repro Freedom,” with text praising Harris’s stance on reproductive rights. Another ad linked to an NPR piece featured the headline “Harris Will Lower Health Costs,” accompanied by text extolling her plans to make healthcare more affordable.

Spokespersons from the affected organizations, including CNN, USA Today, and NPR, have stated that they were unaware their content was being used in this manner. “While we understand why an organization might want to leverage the Guardian’s trusted brand, it is crucial that this is done with our permission. We will be contacting Google for further clarification on this practice,” commented a spokesperson for the Guardian.

Although this tactic is misleading, it does not breach Google’s policies. The ads are clearly labeled as “sponsored,” making them distinguishable from organic search results.

This controversy comes at a time when Harris has been notably avoiding the press, limiting her public appearances since securing the presidential nomination over three weeks ago. The Harris campaign has not yet responded to requests for comment regarding this issue.

4 thoughts on “Harris campaign’s sneaky move: Altering news headlines to fake support”

  1. Kamala’s parents divorced when she was 5. When she was 12, she moved with her mother and sister to Canada…Where and when did she work for McDonald’s as she did not return to the U.S. until she went to college?…is that employment just another lie? She claimed she “Smoked Pot in College while listening to Tupac and Snoops” That too is a lie, Tupac’s first album came out in 1991 and Snoop’s Album came out in 1993…she graduated college in 1989…
    Harris is incapable telling the truth and she will lie right to your face…

  2. It is interesting to see flip flopping Harris suddenly say she does not want to tax tips after seeing President Trump said he would eliminate them when she herself cast the deciding vote to have a better way to report tips so those 87,000 additional armed IRS agents could go after you if you failed to pay your tax on your tips.

  3. The really sad part is that Democrats lie so much (and are seldom if ever challenged) that it is the norm and their followers do not see it or plain just don’t care as long as they promise to give out freebies.

  4. When Harris had her sexual affair with married mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown, she was considered ‘white’. The SF press called her “A woman of the night” and we all know that means, PROSTITUTE. But she is not the only slut in the White House…Jill started out her sexual affair as the Biden family babysitter when Biden’s wife was in the hospital. This sexual affair lasted several years until an auto accident … the driver of the other car went into the bar owned by Jill’s first husband demanding he pay for the damage to his car “driven by Senator Biden” in Jill’s car…The affair ended Jill’s first marriage in a bitter divorce. Then of course, Harris’ husband got their baby sitter pregnant…are all of these morons sexual perverts who surround themselves with gay people in their administration?…Honor and integrity is dead with these Democratic driven perverts, it reveals why they attack the Christian faith, is Biden automatically forgiven for his sins by his priests?

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