Indian-Americans fuming as Kamala Harris masks Indian heritage

Indian-Americans have voiced concerns over Kamala Harris’ perceived tendency to downplay her Indian heritage in favor of her Jamaican background.

Recently, as Harris entered the presidential race, the New York Times reported that her Indian heritage is “little advertised.” Harris, whose mother is Indian and father is Black Jamaican, has often been celebrated as a historic figure breaking glass ceilings. However, some Indian-Americans feel that her Indian identity is only highlighted when it suits her.

“It appears now, as both a vice president and a presidential candidate, that she and her party have decided to emphasize her African-American background to secure the African-American vote, which strongly aligns with the Democratic Party and Joe Biden,” Suhail Khan, a conservative activist and former Bush administration official, told the Caller. “In the 2020 election primary, Joe Biden outperformed Kamala Harris on every level, including with African-Americans.”

Akash Chougule, an Indian-American conservative commentator, expressed a similar sentiment, stating, “While she might lean into her ethnic background when it is politically convenient, what matters are her policy positions, which are concerning for most Americans and particularly for the Indian-American community.”

Throughout her political career, the media has predominantly focused on Harris’s Black identity due to historic discrimination against Black people, as noted by Vox. In 2016, Harris was recognized as the second Black woman elected to the Senate, but her Indian heritage was often overlooked. This pattern continued with her historic presidential campaign, where her achievements as an Indian-American were underemphasized.

The issue of Harris’ identity resurfaced recently when 45th President Donald Trump questioned whether Harris was on the Democratic ticket solely because of her race. Trump commented, “I have known her indirectly for a long time, and she always promoted her Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a few years ago when she started identifying as Black. So, is she Indian or Black?”

Harris responded to Trump’s remarks, stating, “It was the same old show. The divisiveness and the disrespect. The American people deserve better.”

Chougule argued that Harris’ record in office has not been favorable for Indian-Americans, citing her support for policies like affirmative action, which he believes harm Indian-American college applicants. Ricky Gill, a former senior advisor at the State Department, echoed this sentiment, pointing to Harris’ actions during the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests as an example of her distancing from the Indian-American community.

Gill stated, “[Rioters] were torching and looting businesses, including those owned by Indian-American immigrants who identified with the dream of starting a business. Kamala Harris was raising money for protesters to get out of jail scot-free.”

Indian-American Republican strategist Puneet Ahluwalia criticized Harris for what he sees as a selective emphasis on her heritage based on political convenience. “As an Indian-American, we’ve left identity politics behind. It’s about individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness in a free Republic,” Ahluwalia said. “If she wants to raise money from Indians, she highlights her Indianness. If she wants to get a large base of Black Americans, she plays her Black identity.”

Ultimately, many Indian-Americans are focused on Harris’ policy positions rather than her shifting emphasis on racial identity. “Only Kamala Harris knows why her Jamaican heritage is more relevant than her Indian heritage,” said Jahan Wilcox, an Indian-born Republican strategist. “Voters are smart enough to judge her on the Biden-Harris economic and energy policies that have made life more difficult for all Americans.”

5 thoughts on “Indian-Americans fuming as Kamala Harris masks Indian heritage”

  1. Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed black Jamaican Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford. Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro-American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were their criminal heroes. The group’s leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization. Her grandfather owned a plantation in Jamaica that had slaves…how compelling the media hides this hideous background. Harris is a liar who will lie right to your face. In a radio program she once claimed she “smoked pot in college while listening to Tupac and Snoop.” Tupac’s first album came out in 1991, Snoop’s, first album came out in 1993…Kamala graduated from college in 1989. This is the kind of crap she resorts to doing! Following her graduation, Harris returned to California and became the mistress of 60-year-old married Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown. Kamala was considered a white woman in those days and the San Francisco press referred to her as “A Woman of the Night” better known to most of us as a prostitute.
    Kamala was the power behind Prop47 in which they changed a “Felony” into a “Misdemeanor” and now criminals go into a business and steal $950 dollars’ worth of merchandise and never get prosecuted, driving companies out of business in California. During the George Floyd riots that did billions in property damage she raised millions to defend these criminals from prosecution. Careful who you put in the Oval Office; she is a dangerous Socialists.
    Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff works for the law firm DLA Piper, which “boasts nearly 30 years of experience in Communist China with dozens of lawyers dedicated to its ‘Communist China investment Services’ branch. He was just appointed Professor at Yale to teach future lawyers about the fine points of Communism.

  2. Kamala Harris supports allowing millions of indentured individuals (slaves) to invade the United States. Her grandfather a slave owner would be proud of her. Harris’s Marxist background and husband’s close connection to the CCP leads me to believe she intends to enslave all of us. Not a joke!

  3. Thank you Bill for the information on Harris. I was aware of affair with Brown and her father’s ties to the Communist party. The rotten apple does not fall from the deceased tree. I will print your comments on Harris and share them with those who are mesmerized by her fanatical antics….Jonestown had a fanatical preacher….they all died.

  4. Harris is not black or Afro-American by any stretch of the imagination. Her mother is Tamil Indian and her father is half black Jamaican. The other half is a mixed bag of mostly white.
    She is 25% black at best but the Dems continue to spread the lie.

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