Trump nukes Biden beyond repair at CNN debate, Dem ‘panic’ ensues

On Thursday evening in Atlanta, Georgia, two presidential candidates took the debate stage: Joe Biden, a Democrat, and Republican 45th President Donald J. Trump. This historic debate, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, marked the first time in the television era—and since the 19th century—that two presidents have faced each other.

The debate rules, negotiated by the Trump and Biden campaigns with CNN, included two-minute response times, one-minute rebuttals, and microphones that mute when it’s not a candidate’s turn to speak. 

The 90-minute debate began at 9:00 p.m. ET and featured two commercial breaks. Notably, there was no live studio audience, and candidates were barred from interacting with their staff during breaks.

Trump has recently gained a significant national lead over Biden in most polls and leads across many battleground states. Election analyst Nate Silver gives Trump a two-in-three chance of defeating Biden. This pressure led Biden and his team to quickly agree to this debate and another in early fall, as well as a vice-presidential debate later in the summer.

Neither Trump nor Biden is officially the presidential nominee of their respective parties yet. Trump will accept the GOP nomination at the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in mid-July, and Biden will do the same at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago in late August. Due to Ohio ballot access rules, Democrats plan to nominate Biden virtually to avoid missing the state’s deadline for inclusion.

Key Moments and Quotes

Introduction and Opening Statements

The debate began with Tapper and Bash outlining the rules. Biden was the first to respond to the opening question about the economy and inflation. “Inflation is a global problem,” Biden said, highlighting his administration’s efforts to reduce prices and improve the economy. He blamed Trump for the economic disruptions caused during his term.

Trump countered, “We had the greatest economy in the history of the world before the pandemic,” emphasizing his tax cuts and deregulation policies. He criticized Biden’s handling of inflation, saying, “Inflation is killing our country.”

Leftists lost their minds with the CNN anchors:

Economy and Inflation

Trump attacked Biden’s economic record, saying, “Inflation is at a 40-year high because of your policies. You’ve driven up costs for everything from groceries to gasoline.” Biden responded by accusing Trump of benefiting the wealthy with his tax cuts and neglecting the middle class. “We are working to ensure everyone gets a fair shot,” Biden said.

Healthcare and Social Security

One of the first major clashes occurred when Trump criticized Biden’s healthcare policies. Trump said, “Your plans will destroy Medicare and Social Security. My administration will protect these essential programs.” Biden, visibly agitated, responded, “My administration has protected and expanded healthcare access. Trump’s policies will take us backward.”

Immigration and Border Security

Immigration was a heated topic, with Trump lambasting Biden for what he called “open borders policies” leading to increased crime. “Biden’s open borders have led to chaos and crime,” Trump asserted. Biden defended his policies, arguing that they focus on humane treatment and comprehensive immigration reform. “We are fixing a broken system,” Biden said.

Foreign Policy and National Security

The conversation then shifted to foreign policy, with Trump criticizing Biden’s handling of Afghanistan and Ukraine. “You botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan and emboldened our enemies,” Trump charged. Biden responded, “We ended an endless war responsibly, and we are leading international efforts to support Ukraine against Russian aggression.”

Personal Attacks and Defense

Throughout the debate, both candidates frequently interrupted each other despite the microphone rules. At one point, Trump accused Biden of lying about his record and attacked him personally. “You’ve been in politics for 50 years and accomplished nothing,” Trump said. Biden retorted, “You’re the one who lies to the American people and undermines democracy.”

The ‘Because You’d be in Jail’ Moment:

Closing Statements

In his closing statement, Trump said, “Our country is failing under Biden. When I am president again, we will make America great again.” Biden, in his closing remarks, emphasized unity and progress. “We are building a better America together. We cannot afford to go back to the chaos of Trump’s presidency.”

Reactions and Analysis

Following the debate, reactions were emphatically supportive of the 45th President’s performance over Biden, who short-circuited multiple times. Trump’s senior campaign advisers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, issued a joint statement declaring victory, saying, “Tonight, President Trump delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history.”

On the other hand, Biden’s supporters emphasized his steady performance despite the challenging format. David Axelrod noted, “There is a sense of shock about how Biden did throughout this debate,” reflecting on the Democratic concerns about Biden’s ability to perform under pressure.

Others noted that Biden should be replaced: 

1 thought on “Trump nukes Biden beyond repair at CNN debate, Dem ‘panic’ ensues”

  1. Americans Hate You,
    Border Patrol Hates You,
    The Military Hates You,
    The Police Hate You,
    Hospitals Hate You,
    Schools Hate You,
    Social Security Hates You,
    Medicare Hates You,
    People who like You? George Soros, President Xi, Adam Schiff, and Socialists who want to destroy America!

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