WATCH: Pelosi admits the unthinkable in damning new footage

Newly surfaced video footage given to House Republicans shows former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitting her responsibility for not deploying the National Guard to protect the Capitol building before the January 6, 2021 protests.

Politico reports that this footage was recorded by Pelosi’s daughter, documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, and recently handed over to congressional investigators by HBO. The video was never aired, and Alexandra Pelosi did not provide it to the January 6 Committee during their investigation into the Capitol riot.

Additionally, the January 6 Committee never issued subpoenas to Speaker Pelosi or her daughter for documents related to the riot.

The video supports 45th President Donald Trump’s claims that Pelosi was at fault for not ensuring adequate security ahead of the protest. Trump had offered the National Guard in the days leading up to the “Stop the Steal” rally but was turned down. Critics later faulted Trump for not acting swiftly to deploy the Guard during the riot.

In the footage, Pelosi is seen expressing regret: “We have responsibility … we did not have any accountability for what was going on there. And we should have. … Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

She further admits, “I take responsibility for not having them [the National Guard] just prepare for war.”

After the riot, Pelosi rejected Republican nominees for the minority positions on the January 6 Committee, marking the first time in congressional history that the majority party leader had done so. Instead, she selected two anti-Trump Republicans, leading to a highly partisan investigation that did not scrutinize Pelosi’s role in the events.

Despite the investigation’s biased nature, prosecutors have used its findings in criminal cases against Trump and his supporters. 

1 thought on “WATCH: Pelosi admits the unthinkable in damning new footage”

  1. Hopefully this will lead to MANY convictions being Overturned and Mistrials being sought. That ALCOHOLIC pelosi needs to be tried for ENCITING the “Riot” since she refused to defend the Capitol as PRESIDENT TRUMP asked for!!!

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