Here are the names being floated for McConnell’s replacement

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

“Thune, who lauded McConnell as ‘a fierce defender of the Senate,’ is technically next in line for the role, but all indications suggest that he’ll have stiff competition on his hands if he seeks to take the next step,” wrote the New York Post. Thune has been critical of 45th President Donald Trump.

John Thune via C-SPAN.

3 thoughts on “Here are the names being floated for McConnell’s replacement”

    1. Look below the Orange Continue box. There’s an area that has a green 1 box and 2,3,4, Next Page box. Click on the 1 to start and read through the rest of the pages.

  1. Everyone of these are RINOs and would be no better than McConnell. In typical fashion the GOP establishment wants to stay in control so nothing gets done.

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