Biden’s ‘climate change’ advisor, John Kerry, calls it quits

John Kerry, known for his pivotal role in addressing climate issues, has decided to resign from his position as the United States’ special envoy on climate. This development comes after his appointment by Joe Biden to the National Security Council, where he held the inaugural position focusing on climate change.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry embraces Vice President Joe Biden following the Vice President’s remarks at the 2016 Chief of Missions Conference in Washington, D.C., on March 14, 2016. State Department Photo

According to reports from sources familiar with Kerry’s decision, his resignation was submitted to Joe Biden earlier this week. The New York Times, referencing an individual informed about the situation, first broke the news of Kerry’s resignation, which was later confirmed by the State Department.

Kerry’s impending departure had been anticipated within the staff for some months. There is growing speculation that he may join Biden in his upcoming presidential campaign efforts, as reported by the Times.

A former senator and Secretary of State, Kerry was chosen by Biden shortly after the 2020 presidential election to spearhead the administration’s global climate change initiatives. This move was a significant step in fulfilling Biden’s campaign promise to aggressively tackle climate change.

Vice President Joe Biden talks with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., after President Barack Obama signed the New START Treaty in the Oval Office, Feb. 2, 2011. Behind them, the President talks with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

During his tenure, Kerry actively engaged in international efforts, notably collaborating with China to advance the United States’ climate objectives. He worked towards enhancing renewable energy production, although efforts to persuade China to phase out coal-fired power plants did not yield immediate success. However, Kerry remained optimistic, expressing during a visit to Beijing last summer, “The climate crisis is a universal threat to humankind and we all have a responsibility to deal with it as rapidly as we can.”

Kerry, a former Massachusetts senator for 28 years and the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, has been a key figure in climate diplomacy. His involvement in drafting the 2015 Paris Climate Accords and his extensive experience in foreign relations during the Obama administration and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee greatly contributed to his effectiveness in this role.

Former Vice President Al Gore, a prominent advocate for climate action, praised Kerry’s contributions, saying, “John Kerry’s tireless work to deliver global progress on the climate crisis has been heroic. He has approached this challenge with bold vision, resolute determination, and the urgency that this crisis demands. For that the US and the whole world owe him a huge debt of gratitude.”

As of now, there has been no immediate response from the State Department or the White House regarding Kerry’s resignation.

5 thoughts on “Biden’s ‘climate change’ advisor, John Kerry, calls it quits”

  1. John Kerry and Al Gore. Two worthless individuals that are nothing but political parasites. They have been scam artists all of their worthless lives. Grifters! They do make you think about abortion after birth. Another example of the inmates running the asylum.

  2. No loss there.. Kerry can’t remember which lie he told to who so he could get a “donation” from them and now things are catching up to him.. AND there is a possibility he a Greta Thornbutt might have been on Epstein’s plane together.. HMMMM

  3. Perhaps St. Greta should take over the position…

    However… my idea of green is CLEANING up the mess of plastics and other waste. If given the political WILL – much can be done to turn around this waste around. We’re starting to look like a third world ****hole in parts of the country… It truly amazes me that wind turbines and solar panels are mostly NOT recyclable – not to mention the toxins in batteries. AND what trees do with Carbon Dioxide, aside from clean it from the air? What is the off fall of plants? Um… Could it be oxygen? SO… should we do what the Germans are doing? A total of about 2000 hectares ( 20 million m²) of the thousand-year-old Reinhardswald is designated for destruction order to clear the way for a massive wind power plant development. St. Greta must be proud of this. AND YET THEY TELL US TO FOLLOW THE SCIENCE.

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