Dem senator tells James Carville to ‘shut the f**k up’

Democratic Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania didn’t mince words when responding to Democratic strategist James Carville’s criticisms of Joe Biden and his potential in the 2024 presidential race. In a recent interview with Politico, Fetterman took an unsolicited jab at Carville, stating, “I’ll use this interview as another opportunity to tell James Carville to shut the f‑‑‑ up.”

Fetterman went on to express his opinion on Carville’s relevance, stating, “My man hasn’t been relevant since grunge was a thing. And I don’t know why he believes it’s helpful to say these kinds of things about an incredibly difficult circumstance with an incredibly strong and decent and excellent president. I’ll never understand that.”

This exchange follows Carville’s earlier warning to Democrats about the potential for Biden to lose to former President Trump in the 2024 election. Carville, known for his role as a political consultant to former President Clinton, has been critical of the Democratic push to reelect Biden, raising concerns about his age.

SEn. John Fetterman at a press conference. Oct 18, 2023.

Fetterman underscored his disagreement with Carville’s criticisms, emphasizing that they were not “helpful.” The senator’s comments reflect a broader sentiment within Biden’s camp, where there is growing frustration over recent polls showing the president trailing Trump despite positive economic indicators.

Despite Biden’s approval ratings remaining low for over a year, recent polls indicate him falling behind Trump in head-to-head matchups and key swing states. Biden has faced increasing scrutiny about his age and voter apprehensions regarding his ability to serve another four years in the White House. The interview sheds light on the internal tensions within the Democratic Party as they navigate challenges leading up to the 2024 elections.

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