Another RINO quits Congress

Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., an extreme moderate, declared on Tuesday that he will not seek re-election, becoming the 37th member of Congress to announce they won’t be seeking re-election in 2024. McHenry has a weak 82 percent conservative ranking in the current Congress, according to Heritage Action. McHenry’s district, which has been ill-represented during his entire tenure, leans Republican by 22 percent.

At the end of the first ballot for Speaker of the House, Jim Jordan did not receive enough votes to win. Patrick McHenry is seen here reading out the votes. C-SPAN vi Wiki Commons.

McHenry, a close ally of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, emphasized that this decision is not taken lightly, stating, “I believe there is a season for everything and—for me—this season has come to an end.” 

He expressed confidence in the future of the House despite concerns about departures, saying, “I’m confident the House is in good hands.” The departure adds to the growing congressional exodus, with 30 representatives and 7 senators planning to leave, leaving several seats without incumbent protection in the upcoming election. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report projects five open House seats as potential Democrat pickup opportunities, while none are listed for the GOP.

The Republican Party has faced challenges, including back-to-back underwhelming performances in 2022 and 2023 and internal struggles. In-fighting and disagreements over leadership, particularly after the rebellion against McCarthy, have marked recent GOP dynamics. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has also contributed to challenges, with Democrats capitalizing on the abortion issue in statehouse elections. The GOP has dealt with ethics accusations, including the expulsion of Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., over extensive breaches.

Meanwhile, Democrats are grappling with intraparty divisions over the traditional pro-Israel stance. Progressives have revolted against this stance, particularly following Hamas’ attack on Israel. The Fox News poll on October 12 revealed widespread disapproval for Congress across parties, with GOP lawmakers having a 30% approval rating, 7 points lower than Democrats, and a 66% disapproval rating, 6% higher than their Democratic counterparts. The political landscape continues to evolve as both parties navigate challenges and divisions.

3 thoughts on “Another RINO quits Congress”

  1. Patrick McHenry is a waste of a vote so this is a good thing. We hope NC has a none RINO ready to take his place in Making America Great Again!!

  2. McHenry was McCarthy’s handpicked “Speaker” when the top RINO still thoughT he had a chance to win back the Speaker’s chair. Neither one of them could survivor the fact that Republican voters had already figured out what was going on the RINO’s trying to survive. They both lost and rather that face voters wrath it good at least one knew it was time to get outs of Dodge. Hopefully McCarthy is next.

  3. McHenry was McCarthy’s handpicked “Speaker” when the top RINO still thoughT he had a chance to win back the Speaker’s chair. Neither one of them could survivor the fact that Republican voters had already figured out what was going on the RINO’s trying to survive. They both lost and rather that face voters wrath it good at least one knew it was time to get outs of Dodge. Hopefully McCarthy is next.

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