RINO senators attack Republican base, anonymously spill their guts to the press

Anti-Trump U.S. senators are getting increasingly outspoken in their efforts to bash President Donald J. Trump and the majority GOP base, as the 45th President holds steady leads in the polls running up to 2024. Anti-MAGA senators are now calling the “populist” GOP base radical and extreme.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said, “We should be concerned about this as Republicans. I’m having more ‘rational Republicans’ coming up to me and saying, ‘I just don’t know how long I can stay in this party,’” claiming, “Now our party is becoming known as a group of kind of extremist, populist over-the-top [people] where no one is taking us seriously anymore. 

“You have people who felt some allegiance to the party that are now really questioning, ‘Why am I [in the party?]” she added. “I think it’s going to get even more interesting as we move closer to the elections and we start going through some of these primary debates. 

“There are an astonishing number of people in my state who believe the election was stolen,” one unnamed Republican senator told The Hill.

After backlash following his refusal to want to defund the weaponized Justice Department and FBI, Sen. John Thune (R-SD) said, “There are seasons, swings back and forth in politics and we’re in one now where the dominant political thinking is more populist with respect to national security, foreign policy, some domestic issues.” 

The Hill reported, “A second Republican senator who spoke with The Hill said the growing strength of radical populism ‘makes it a lot more difficult to govern, it makes it difficult to talk to constituents.’” 

“There are people who surprise me — I’m surprised they have those views. It’s amazing to me the number of people, the kind of people who think the election was stolen,” the lawmaker said. “I don’t want to use this word but it’s not just a ‘red-neck’ thing. It’s people in business, the president of a bank, a doctor.”  

Others criticizing the GOP’s work to stop the Justice Department’s weaponization against President Trump include Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), who dodged the question when asked by the outlet, saying, “I think that’s entirely within the purview of the Department of Justice and has nothing to do with the United States Senate.” 

Many of these so-called Republicans were among those who voted to impeach President Trump, including Murkowski and Utah’s Mitt Romney. The Alaska senator narrowly won reelection in her home state with the help of Democrats. Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, faces fierce opposition if he chooses to run for a second term in the U.S. Senate.

4 thoughts on “RINO senators attack Republican base, anonymously spill their guts to the press”

  1. donno if it will be trump, but I will vote for whoever wins the GOP primary–trump did an amazing job, considering the fact that he was fighting off a pack of rabid dogs throughout his time in office–I wish he had stayed the hell out of social media–he alienated a lot of voters, especially women and moderates–a “red-neck” thing?? hell yeah–we do the grunt work to keep the country moving, and we’re getting pissed off–we are pushing back in our own ways–

    1. I agree with most of what you say, but I’m glad Trump was on social media because that is the very first time we ever heard how our President really felt about anything.

  2. I dislike Mr. Trump’s persona and the way he makes off the cuff comments. The truth is this man truly loves America and is a fighter to save it. Crime has risen because all these flower children wish to coddle instead of punish. I find it very disturbing we now glorify criminals and persecute the brave. The radical elite in charge are afraid that as president he will expose all of their criminal acts. I am ready for anybody to do that. This is evident by the extreme bogus insignificant charges that have been fabricated by people and agencies we are supposed to trust. It has gone on since 2015 and continues today. It doesn’t stop, it’s non stop yet the real criminal activity of others get swept under the rug. The Rhino GOP are just that. Protecting their own personal agendas and political clout with the offenders and whatever the media spouts. Myself, I put my faith in Judicial watch at this time and the ACLU needs to be gotten rid of because their mission has become criminal and anti-legal.

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