Ukraine could get $3B more in U.S. aid thanks to ‘accounting error’

The Pentagon has announced that it overestimated the United States’ aid to Ukraine by $3 billion due to an “accounting error,” the Associated Press reports. 

The error “will allow the Defense Department to send more weapons now without asking Congress for more money.”

“The error was caused when officials overvalued some of the systems sent to Ukraine, using the value of money it would cost to replace an item completely rather than the current value of the weapon. In many of the military aid packages, the Pentagon has opted to draw from its stockpiles of older, existing gear because it can get those items to Ukraine faster,” the report notes.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said, “During our regular oversight process of presidential drawdown packages, the Department discovered inconsistencies in equipment valuation for Ukraine. In some cases, ‘replacement cost’ rather than ‘net book value’ was used, therefore overestimating the value of the equipment drawn down from U.S. stocks.” 

Ukraine has received over $37 billion in aid since the start of the conflict with Russia, according to the report, most of which has been spent on equipment for the country to fight its foe.

The news of the accounting error comes as voices in Congress are demanding an accounting of how the U.S. funds have been used in support of the country that has been historically known for money laundry, corruption, and greed, some of which is tied to Joe Biden.

1 thought on “Ukraine could get $3B more in U.S. aid thanks to ‘accounting error’”

  1. Zelenski is nothing but a mobster who is fleecing the America people while his people die. This guy goes all over the world begging for money and they just fork it over no questions asked.

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