‘Gruesome’ late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart dead

On Friday, it was revealed that late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who killed around 40,000 to 50,000 babies in abortions and killed women undergoing abortion procedures at his facility, had died.

The pro-life group Abortion On Trial wrote, “We have just confirmed that the well known late stage abortion provider Leroy Carhart has passed away,” adding, “While we do not wish loss on anyone and our condolences go out to his family, we can only hope Dr. Carhart’s work does not continue on with out him.”

Carhart had abortion centers in Germantown, Maryland; Bellevue, Nebraska; and Pueblo, Colorado. 

He is known for being on the losing end of the U.S. Supreme Court case Gonzales v. Carhart, which held in place a federal law banning partial-birth abortions, which he performed, also known as intact dilation and extraction. 

The Court wrote in the decision, “Congress determined that the abortion methods it proscribed had a “disturbing similarity to the killing of a newborn infant,” Congressional Findings (14)(L), in notes following 18 U. S. C. §1531 (2000 ed., Supp. IV), p. 769, and thus it was concerned with “draw[ing] a bright line that clearly distinguishes abortion and infanticide.” Congressional Findings (14)(G), ibid. The Court has in the past confirmed the validity of drawing boundaries to prevent certain practices that extinguish life and are close to actions that are condemned.”

In 2013, Carhart’s Maryland facility killed a 29-year-old New York woman, leading to widespread outrage. He is now referred to in the pro-life movement as a “gruesome” figure. 

He is known, alongside disgraced fallen abortionist Kermit Gosnell, for snipping children’s spines while still in their mothers’ wombs. 

In 2020, it was reported, “Carhart aborts unborn babies into the third trimester when they are viable outside the womb. Though he is almost 80 years old, he continues to abort unborn babies at his late-term abortion practice in Maryland.” 

This is a developing story…

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