Senior Biden official jumps ship

On Monday, the Joe Biden White House announced that domestic policy advisor Susan Rice is leaving the administration.

“I surprised a lot of people when I named Ambassador Susan Rice as my Domestic Policy Advisor,” Biden said. “Susan was synonymous with foreign policy, having previously served as National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador. But what I knew then and what we all know now – after more than two years of her steady leadership of the Domestic Policy Council – it’s clear: there is no one more capable, and more determined to get important things done for the American people than Susan Rice.” 

“As the only person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Domestic Policy Advisor, Susan’s record of public service makes history,” Biden continued. “But what sets her apart as a leader and colleague is the seriousness with which she takes her role and the urgency and tenacity she brings, her bias towards action and results, and the integrity, humility and humor with which she does this work. I thank Susan for her service, her counsel and her friendship. I will miss her.”

Fox News reports, “As Director of the Domestic Policy Council, Rice drove the formulation and implementation of Biden’s domestic policy agenda, ‘from economic mobility and racial equity to health care and immigration,’ according to her bio on the White House’s website. She previously served as President Obama’s U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and National Security Advisor from 2009-2017. Prior to the start of the Biden administration, she was a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times.”

During the 2020 election cycle, Rice was on Biden’s shortlist for a vice-presidential pick, with Biden opting for far-left U.S. Senator Kamala Harris instead. 

Rice’s last day in the White House will be May 26. NBC News noted, “The process for Biden to select Rice’s successor will include candidates both inside and outside the White House, a second senior administration official said.” 

3 thoughts on “Senior Biden official jumps ship”

  1. Smart rats are the first to jump out of the sinking carcass. Biden forgot to mention the GENOCIDE IN RWANDA at the Time Susan Rice at the UN did nothing. Some years ago I saw watched a Canadian Retired General tearfully remembering the genocide of the MIDDLE CLASS BY THE MOBS – THEY WERE VIVIOUSLY MURDERED WITH MACHETED DONATED BY A BILLIONAIRE! The Cdn. General WAS IN CHARGE OF THE UN PEACE forces AND HAS NO MANDATE TO SO ANTHING! Susan Rice was happy thereafter while my Canadian hero was thinking in committing suicide. THERE ARE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HUMANS RAISED WITH DISCIPLINE, VALUES AND VIRTUES. Let’s never forget CHIRST WAS A HUMAN BEING RAISED WITH VIRTUED AND LIBERATED 93% OF HUMANITY THAT WERE LIVING UNDER SLAVERY FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS! THAT WAS THE MESSAGE OF THE APOSTOLS TO SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS TO THE WORLD: All humans are born free and equal under one God . . . BUT ALL THE APOSTOLES – EXCEPT ONE LIKE MIKE PENCE BECAME QUIET LIKE RAT – WERE ALL ASSASINATED … THE MOBS DID NOT HAVE THE RESOURCES TO GO EVERYWHERE I.E. INDIA AFRICA EUROPE . . . . all ancient religions were created and run by the nobility! King David, King Salomon . . . and the ROMAN PONTIFEX MAXIMUS . . SOCRATES WAS ASSESSINATED BECAUSE THEY WERE ALREADY THINKNING IN ONE GOD BASED ON THE PERSIAN RELIGION ZOROASTRA THAT IS STILL ALIVE TODAY . . . AND MANY MORE WERE KILLES OR COMMIT SUICIDE: Demosthenes, Aristotle’s . . . Plato run for his life for 40 years in exile and at one point BECAME SLAVE! !

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