AZ House committee votes to strip Dem secretary of state of powers after trying to block audit

After far-left Democrat Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs tried to obstruct an audit of the 2020 election, which had extreme and grave fraudulent activity, the Arizona House Appropriations Committee voted to strip her of her powers to “defend election lawsuits,” giving sole authority to Attorney General Mark Brnovich to carry out those litigation powers throughout 2022. 

Hobbs has rabidly defended her overseeing of the fraud-linked 2020 election, claiming a forensic audit of ballots is “a political stunt,” adding that it is “dangerous to people’s safety and to the integrity of our democracy.” 

Hobbs does not understand that the United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. She also appears quite defensive for someone whose party allegedly “won” the election. 

Far-left failed candidate Stacey Abrams sent Hobbs a fruit basket to “encourage” her as she tries and fails to defend the fraud-linked election. 

Now, the full Legislature will vote on the resolution to strip Hobbs of her powers, which is likely to pass due to the Republicans’ large majority in the state. 

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