On Tuesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) laid out her case against the Democrats’ second impeachment witch hunt into President Trump. She laid out her whole case on Twitter:
If the #Jan6 organizers were Trump supporters, then why did they attack us while we were objecting to electoral college votes for Joe Biden?
The attack RUINED our objection that we spent weeks preparing for, which devastated our efforts on behalf of Trump and his voters.
They placed pipe bombs at the RNC and the DNC the night before.
They did NOT just target one party.
They targeted Republicans and Democrats.
They were against the government ALL together.
I was in the Chamber when the attack occurred.
I was very upset, scared, and terrified for ALL of us – every person from Capitol staff, press, police to every Member R and D.
I even made a video telling people to stop and they should protest peacefully.
I will be forever grateful to my Republican colleagues who bravely helped the police protect us and blocked the door.
They courageously risked their lives against the attackers trying to get in.
The Capitol attack was planned and organized, NOT incited in the moment by President Trump, and NO Republican Member was involved.
We were ALL victims that day.
And once again, Trump is the victim of the never ending hate fueled witch hunt.
This impeachment trial a circus for the Democrat media mob to entertain the masses that they have brainwashed and addicted to hate, so they don’t see the Dem policies being rapidly forced into place that are destroying our lives, stealing our freedoms, and putting America last.
See the Congresswoman’s Twitter chain here:
Purchase MTG-inspired masks with ALL of her most recent slogans here!

FINALLY!!! Some new blood in Congress who is not afraid to tell the truth. There are way too many career politicians in both parties who are embedded in their own agendas instead of working for the American Citizens.
What we wanted was to get the 10 days to investigate machines, software and ballots which would have proved this election was rigged.
Demo’s didn’t want this to happen so planned this weeks ahead of time so they disrupt the proceedings.
Believe we only had 130 million legal voters and 75 million voted for Trump, where did these other votes come from? How did Biden jump ahead in the last few hours left.
Truth will prevail and God bless Taylor.
Rep. Taylor I heard your interview on Newmax and was so touched. You advised all of God’s people not to be luke warm, and to keep trusting him. You truly inspired me. I am glad to see a young person standing on God’s word. Never give up. God is in control.
PrayiNguyen for Cong Taylor Greene and President. Trump..