Democrat strategist James Carville says Trump’s only way to beat Sleepy Joe Biden is by cheating

On Wednesday, a new op-ed in NBC News by radical Democrat political strategist James Carville claiming President Trump’s only path to re-election is by cheating. 

Carville claims that because most polls swing in former Democrat vice president Joe Biden’s favor, that there is no way for President Trump to win in 2020. But most, if not all Democrat political pundits said the same thing in 2016 when Trump won big against Hillary Clinton.

But Carville contends, “It’s plain as day: Republicans can only win by chilling the right to vote. If all elections were fair, there wouldn’t have been a Republican president since before Bill Clinton.” 

By claiming that Republicans having concerns with election fraud and wanting fair election laws is “cheating,” Carville would much rather have elections without fair laws that can curb election rigging. 

Carville suggests to Democrats that they should use the COVID-19 pandemic as a political force to secure universal vote-by-mail elections, where ballots will be sent out to every registered voter, opening the door to massive fraud. Carville writes, “Coronavirus distancing protocols are likely to extend far longer than imagined — which makes measures like universal vote-by-mail critical.”

He also writes, “Democrats should rip a page from the playbook of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and require states to mail a ballot to every registered voter with a paid-for return envelope. Unless a person has died, they cannot be illegitimately removed from voter rolls and should get a ballot sent right to their mailbox like everyone else.”

By Carville’s standard, every ballot should be shipped to voters — even if they are dead, essentially securing a way for Democrats to ship back ballots for the dead.

The fraudulent methods suggested by Carville mean only one thing, and it’s not that Trump is going to lose to Joe Biden. It’s that the Democrats are scared of free and fair elections, and if they don’t cheat to let illegitimate voters send in ballots, they cannot beat President Trump in 2020.

1 thought on “Democrat strategist James Carville says Trump’s only way to beat Sleepy Joe Biden is by cheating”

  1. charles kollman

    This is a left radical wing insurgent. He is nothing but disinformation and lies.

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