If it’s ‘racist’ to say Coronavirus is from China, then Obama is racist for saying Ebola is from Africa

On Thursday, The New York Times posted an article criticizing Republicans for ether referring to the novel Coronavirus as the “Wuhan Virus,” or merely pointing out the origin of the deadly virus, which is the Country of China.

Far-left commentator Jonathan Greenblatt wrote on Twitter, “It is racist to refer to #coronavirus/#Covid19 as ‘Wuhan virus,’ ‘foreign virus’ or ‘Chinese virus.’ Period” 

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said during an Instagram live video that people must eat at Chinese restaurants or they are “racist” for being insensitive about the virus. 

After President Trump’s Wednesday night address to the nation on the Coronavius response, CNN’s Jim Acosta and other far-left commentators accused President Trump of racism and xenophobia for referring to the virus as “foreign” and referring to the country of origin, China. 

But the Left’s double-standard is apparent, especially since when the Ebola outbreak happened in 2014, President Obama repeatedly referred to the origin of the deadly virus as “West Africa” countess times, yet liberals never called him a “racist” for blaming West Africa as the source.


It’s clear the radical Left is weaponizing the Wuhan Coronavirus and President Trump referring to its country of origin as a political tool to try and call President Trump “racist.” While he, Vice President Pence, and the task force appointed to stop the virus is working hard to protect Americans and those across the world suffering, Democrats would much rather scream “racist!” from their ivory towers, while clutching their pearls instead of working on a solution.

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