Trump rips into fake news Vanity Fair after ‘phony’ and ‘boring’ hit piece on Coronavirus response

On Wednesday, President Trump called out more fake news media reporters, this time Vanity Fair, for publishing a hit piece on President Trump who they claim according to an unnamed source is “definitely melting down” over the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.

The piece makes many wild claims, including that Trump “is just now waking up to the fact that this is bad, and he doesn’t know how to respond,” and that “He is going to resist until the very last minute.” 

Trump clapped back at the baseless claims, writing on Twitter, “Vanity Fair Magazine, which will soon be out of business, and their third rate Fake reporters, who make up sources which don’t exist, wrote yet another phony & boring hit piece. The facts are just the opposite. Our team is doing a great job with CoronaVirus!”

Vice President Mike Pence, who President Trump has tasked with handling the Administration’s response to COVID-19, has had press conferences nearly every day, with updates from officials on the spread and contamination of the virus.

Vanity Fair has also published a hit piece targeting the First Lady and other Trump Administration officials, claiming they have been “silent” about the coronavirus outbreak.

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