Pelosi says she ‘usually always’ votes for women—won’t back only female Dem presidential candidate

On Monday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was quick to bash President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread, saying, “I think that what is happening there is a reflection of lack of confidence, and so we would hope that what is coming out of the White House will be more consistent with what the health advisers are putting forth.” 

But Pelosi also touched on many other subjects, including her sexist bias when voting. She said, “Just generally, I usually always cast my vote for a woman,” when asked about the presidential race.

But it does not appear Pelosi is quick to embrace the lone Democrat woman running for President, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), who has been effectively banned from the next presidential debate, as the DNC has rigged the game against her. 

Last week, Pelosi spoke about the apparent “misogyny” in politics, saying, “There’s a certain element of misogyny that is there. And some of it isn’t really mean-spirited, it just isn’t their experience. Many of them will tell you they had a strong mom, they have strong sisters, they have strong daughters, but they have their own insecurities.”

But will Pelosi practice what she preaches and get behind Gabbard? Likely not, but hypocrisy runs deep in the Democrat Party.

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